Market studies

Market studies in Europe and Russia to identify commercial opportunities

The close working relationship we have with our clients has had a big impact on how we organise our business. We can respond to frequent requests for support in researching new business opportunities and new markets where clients can offer their products and services.

Our network of consultants

Our wide and loyal network of consultants in the European Union, Russia and now in some parts of Africa, allow us to carry out in-depth studies that cover the necessary information for:

  • identifying commercial opportunities
  • tax regulations
  • labour regulations (hiring, redundancies and dismissal, labour tax)
  • marketing management
  • identifying commercial partners
  • research on potential competitors already in the market

Our 4 key pillars

Estimating the potential of a product or service:

preliminary investigations into potential success using qualitative analysis (exploratory research) with the aim of establishing potential strengths and weaknesses using techniques such as Concept Product Test, Area Test, Simulated Test of Market and Time Series Analysis.

Defining the price of a product or service:

this value may be expressed in absolute terms (assessing whether a price is perceived as expensive or inexpensive, for example) or in relative terms (more or less expensive than competitors). The latter research activity in particular has proven to be highly beneficial for certain types of services and products offered by our clients.

Evaluate effectiveness of advertising:

evaluation, including quantitative evaluation, to assess the positioning of the service or product across a range of channels and media. This includes identifying and providing assistance for attendance at sector-specific exhibitions.

Analysing the market structure and evolution of demand:

one of the key reasons for analysing the market structure and how demand evolves is to identify all the key elements that could have a significant impact on the behaviours of the end clients. This is to ensure we are constantly up-to-date with market trends by systematically collecting data gathered locally and combined with data and news that refer to the field in which the company operates.